Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fulfil your dreams workshop at AVIT, Vinayaka Nagar, TN

I had the pleasure of meeting Prof. Vasudevan, Dean, AVIT   in 2011 at IIM, RAK, UAE. He was also part of Global Education Mission, who partnered with IIM,I in the pioneering initiative in conducting the MBA course at RAK, UAE and was overseeing this new initiative. He was interested in the Personal Growth Lab I was teaching and I was very happy that eh chose to attend the morning pranayama sessions and many other sessions whenever he could. We stayed in the same hotel and he was kind to take me around in the new place. I enjoyed his company and friendship sprung between us. We kept in touch and recently, he came over to Auroville along with a couple of his colleagues and invited me to do a workshop for the PG (MCA & MBA) students of AVIT. I was happy and grateful for the opportunity that came my way and thought a lot about an appropriate workshop. I am thankful to the many inputs and helpful guidance Prof. Vasudevan in my efforts.
We settled on “Fulfil your dreams” as the name of the workshop. Its roots are in another workshop I did in Jan 2013 and I am happy with the way it shaped up. The workshop focused on the importance of personal vision and mission in one’s life. I took the example of Dr Govindappa Venkataswamy (Dr. V) of Arvind as it would be easier for the students to connect with his early life and be inspired by what is possible. The workshop emphasized the need to develop the inner resources to fulfil the dreams and the importance of keeping the dreams alive. I chose examples from the lives of Mahatama Gandhi, Dr V etc and also interspersed it with some aspects of my own life to generate inspiration, belief and confidence in fulfilling their dreams. The time was short but I think we made a good beginning and planted the seeds. I am very happy with the participation of the students and grateful to the presence of Prof. Vasudevan and many faculty members of AVIT during the workshop.
I look forward to more such opportunities.

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